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Welcome back to the Palace!

PALAIS APIIM |APIIM All Power Is In Me| is an exclusively unique Hand-Made jewelry line fusing wire wrapping with bead work. Each piece is made to look and feel like a royal, priceless, powerful, yet peaceful ancient treasure to be discovered by you. All pieces are blessed in the process and created in a harmonious space. Your throne awaits you my love. Enjoy adorning your mind, body and spirit! Love, Reign.


Center Piece Crystal: *RARE $$$* HEALERITE  | This crystal aids: Calms Nerves | Balances Body and Emotions | Attune Spiritual Reign | Vitality | Energy | Growth | Prosperity


Center Piece Crystal: GREEN CALCITE | This crystal Aids: Money | Prosperity | Emotional Balance | Stress Relief | Stimulates the Immune System | Absorbs Negative Energy

Center Piece Crystal: PYRITE | This crystal Aids: Memory, | Learning | Perception | Intelligence | Creativity | Logic | Protect against negative energy | Meditation | Memory | Psychic Development


Center Piece Crystal: WHITE HOWLITE
It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. A calming stone, Howlite calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression. Howlite balances calcium levels in the body. It aids teeth, bones and soft

Center Piece Crystal: CLEAR QUARTZ | Quartz is the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. Clear Quartz protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, aids calmness, memory and relieves pain.


Center Piece Crystal: LAPIS LAZULI | This crystal Aids: Intuition | Imagination | Stress Reliever | Peace | Harmony | Inner Self | Higher Self |

Center Piece Crystal: TURQUOISE | Healing Master Stone | Heals Entire Body | Immunity | Purification | Wisdom | Protection | Friendship | Love | Peace

Center Piece Crystal: SEA SEDIMENT JASPER | This crystal aids: Inner Peace | Clarity | Love | Compassion | Alignment of the physical and “Light” bodies | Emotional healing


Piece Crystal: PICTURE JASPER | This crystal aids: Stress | Tranquility | Wholeness | Protection |Absorbs negative energy | It balances yin and yang | Clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation

Wire: Jewelers Brass


All chains for the “Delicates Collection” pieces are 18” hypoallergenic stainless steel. All other chains are 24” hypoallergenic stainless steel chains. All Crowns, Bangles, Suede Necklaces and Chokers are one size fits all. All hoop earrings are hypoallergenic stainless steel.


|Crystal Properties by CHAKRA/COLOR|

Base Chakra (RED/BLACK): Stability | Abundance | Grounding

Sacral Chakra (ORANGE): Creative Energy | Sexual energy

Solar Plexus Chakra (YELLOW/PYRITE): Personal Power | Self-Confidence

Heart Chakra (GREEN): Love | Joy | Inner peace

Throat Chakra (SKY BLUE): Communication | Truth | Self-expression

Third Eye Chakra (INDIGO): Intuition | Wisdom | Imagination

Crown Chakra (VIOLET): Higher Self | Spirituality

(CLEAR) All 7 Chakras: Clarity | Energy Amplifying | Memorization | Focus


Shipping: Processing time for each order is about 4 days usually depending on order size. Your treasure will ship in 2-5 business days domestic and 5-10 business days international priority mail. ALL custom crown orders receive 2 day shipping. We ship internationally!


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